Thursday 19 March 2015

Healing For Body Mind and Spirit

Many Different Healing Modalities Can Work
Different people resonate to different modalities
Be open and receptive. 

Healing sometimes comes in strange packages. 
Research - maybe for you

Healing can be instant or take ages.

Healing can take place for the body, the mind or the spirit. Sometimes though, the body, mind and spirit are all healed at the same time.

Some people, before dying, feel they are healed on a very deep level. How lucky they are.
I`ve seen people die with a sparkle in their eyes and peace in their hearts. Yes, happy at long last - the illness drove them into a heightened awareness and a time of forgiveness and gratitude. Judgements have softened, maybe disappeared altogether. A time for love, not war, and for letting go and tasting the sweetness of surrender. A time for remembering who we are and the unlimited vastness of creation. INNER healing.

There are many ways that can trigger, or bring about, healing.
I`ve seen people healed after having surgery followed by chemo and radiation.
I`ve seen people healed after having radiation and doing visualization.
I`ve seen people healed after eating raw foods and drinking green juices.
I`ve heard of people healing with laughter, laughter & more laughter.
I`ve seen people heal after thought patterns have been reprogrammed.


I`ve seen people heal with drinking wheatgrass juice etc.

Energy Healing

I`ve met people who have healed with prayer.
I`ve seen people heal with hands on healing.
I`ve met people who have healed through activating their passion and removing all stressful circumstances.
I`ve seen people heal by eating a great organic diet, no sugar, a little protein, drinking pure water and removing ALL computers etc away from their environment.
I`ve met people who have healed through eating foods containing laetrile.
I`ve seen people heal with raw foods, fish, turkey broth and supplementation.
........and the lists go on.

Healing with Prayer

HEALING seems to take place more easily if the patient changes something in their lives in order to heal. Healing seems to often be activated when patients are actively involved in the healing ie. doing something to help the situation and are also thinking with excitement about the future (one with good health).
Healing is easier if surrounded by love in action, as well as words!
CONNECTING into the space between the words - the silence within - helps create intuition and inner truthful knowledge. The inner space connects to the timeless infinite world of possibilities and can clarify the means of healing for you. The oasis within is a safe space filled with love and peace and HEALING.

Remember to soften the mind and fill the heart with warmth, in other words be still, meditate, breathe, let go. Disappear into the stillness..... oneness, & gather courage and strength to open up to forgiveness and to healing.

Healing can happen at any time, slowly or quickly, and can come in strange unexpected packages.

Now for an Unusual Healing Story

I had somehow managed to break both my ankles, and even though my ankles were set in plaster, I still had considerable pain! 
Funnily enough a few days later I was on my way to the Daintree -  believe it or not, a camping trip with my mate. I was determined to go along as this was my first visit to North Qld`s beautiful unspoiled tropical rainforest. How could I not go?
The sun was setting and we were setting up camp, at Ellis Beach just north of Cairns, when I was approached by a hippy-looking young man. "I see you are having some trouble with walking on those crutches. What happened to you?" he asked.
Finally, after a long-winded explanation recounting my accident, the kind, long haired 'surfer' suggested that I come with him to the beach where he would do a 'healing' on me. He apparently was camped on the beach under the stars. 

Over the years I had learned to be open, humble and grateful, so when offered a 'healing' I  knew Spirit was looking after me, after all, healing sometimes comes in VERY STRANGE packages! 
Having no idea of what this young man was going to do in the way of healing I found myself staggering to the beach. Intuitively I trusted him and because I was adept in meditation, I trusted my intuition. As I lay down I noticed a didgeridoo lying on this young man`s belongings
 "Lie yourself down right here" the young man said, pointing to the preferred bit of sand. "Now close your eyes and enjoy the ride. When I am finished keep on lying here until you feel like getting up."

Healing With The Didgeridoo
I closed my eyes and waited. After a couple of minutes I heard the man walk to the base of my feet. Then IT started. He was playing the didgeridoo over my feet.
Loud, amazing sounds that felt like the Earth was singing to me. The guy intuitively played up and down my body filling me with the vibrations of the music - healing music. I could feel the different vibrations hitting my body and then becoming it. Mind you I am very sensitive and had always sang up my spine to relax my muscles and to relieve back pain. I was therefore surprised, and delighted, to have this very relaxing healing experience. The healing lasted about 30 minutes.

Yes, but did my ankles heal? 
Well, the next day I walked on crutches the complete walking track around Mossman Gorge. The Rainforest Circuit travels along the river and is about 4 klms long winding up and down and even over a suspension bridge!
Did I have much pain?  The answer is NO!!!!!!  In fact, both my ankles healed really well, and I have had no signs of arthritis or pain since. I broke my ankles in 1995. 
Thankyou young man, for the healing.

How did I heal? Was it the vibration that helped heal my ankles? Was it coincidence? Was it with the help of the Spirit healers of the Ngadiku - ancestors and caretakers of the Mossman Gorge?

Maybe it was a combination of
Love and Compassion, Music, Nature and Spirit, and the willingness to be open and to receive.
Thankyou all for the healing

If you have a similar story about healing with the didgeridoo, I would love you to share it. Please write to with your details, and healing story, so I can share it on this blog. Thankyou.

Until next time
May healing be your friend,
Cheers and love  CMW

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, & paintings & poetry, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery. 
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions