Friday 28 November 2014

Illusions and The Game of Life Part One

Illusions and The Game of Life

A Piece of The Puzzle

Mansions Within Mansions
In general we seem to think that what we see in front of, and around, us is all that there is! A FALSE ASSUMPTION. It is how you see, and how you programmed, that presents everything visually to us. Our angle of perception reflects our ideas and experiences in life therefore either creates an open-shutter magnifying lens or a partially closed shutter with a foggy lens.
When the sun is half risen you see shadows.
When the sun is directly overhead, shadows disappear.
                              More light = a clearer picture.

Everybody thus experiences seeing a different picture. Everybody then responds, or reacts differently to the 'picture'! So when someone else responds, or sees, something quite different to you or to what you want them to see - ENJOY!

Fear, Anxiety causes a different view/perspective/experience to fulfillment & joy.

A Dark Night with an evil wolf, might be seen below by those who have loads of fear.
A fun game of  shadow-play might be seen by someone who is positive and creative!

The Wolf
The Mind Plays Tricks - Mind Matters -so watch it
The mind is endowed with amazing powers to achieve and create
We set ourselves up with the use of the mind and our choice of thought patterns.
                                    LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE                 

      Distorted thinking creates the list below. This list below also creates narrow,
      limited, self-abusing, self-restricting vision. Light is blocked and Spirit is
      frail. Connection and wholeness is incomplete.                            
        Judgements, including racism and any thoughts that include SHOULD!
        Loneliness can become unworthiness 
        And anything else that is less than peace and happiness
CREATES A DISTORTED VISION that reflects the space you are in. Then whatever space you are in MAGNIFIES through that vision.

                          Thought seeds are watered and fed!

People with the above thought patterns are more likely to see a glass half empty.
People with positive hopeful thoughts will see the glass as half full!
Sometimes so much stuff has happened to us that we feel it is either too hard or  it is impossible to change.WRONG. This is a false assumption that has arisen from an untamed mind!

              Thought patterns directly effect our lives in every way
              The creative power of thoughts produce experience 
                                   and outward manifestations
              We choose our thought patterns - we do have that choice
        If You or a Loved One Suffers from Anxiety,unworthiness, fear etc 
        check out:

         This is a brilliant FREE ONLINE service given by St Vincent Hospital, Sydney. A user-friendly program that by spending only an hour of your time every week for six weeks can change your life by teaching skills to manage & rearrange your thoughts. Thankyou St Vincents.
    Last week this fantastic program was discussed on the TV program 'Insight'. I have to tell you I was VERY impressed. NO DRUGS, FUN and gets remarkable life-changing results! So do yourself a favour and log in - you deserve the best!

Man evolves and expands consciousness personally and globally through experience and creative works with seeds planted by the wise use of the mind.



                      = A BALANCED LIFE = DIFFERENT SIGHT

Someone sent me this photo and to me it reflects the different layers of sight -many, many different layers - all have purpose and are all part of the journey traveling to the same destination.

What do you think & feel -  see in, & about, the photo above?

The Huge Room
The HUGE Room

Imagine the huge trees that the wood came from.   IMAGINE climbing up and onto one of those chairs. IMAGINE if the children were only four years old. How would they climb up?
When you see something differently than others - breathe - relax and listen. Think the word INTERESTING, maybe say it to yourself.
If others see a situation, or something, nicer than what you see .. then ... breathe softly and ... IMAGINE .... being them ... and look ... through their eyes. See with their eyes.      Interesting.

We all, even happy people, have to work at our thought patterns if we want to grow inwardly and spiritually. If we want to be more 'whole'& more of love.
It takes practice and imagination!!

ILLUSION    So many angles of looking at illusion.

The Grand Illusion
                      THE GRAND ILLUSION (thought pattern & belief).
 Let`s be real
 Do we need a computer in each room? Do we really need three houses? Do we really need the biggest TV?  THINK ABOUT IT.
 Do we really need all the stuff we have to work and pay for at the expense of not having enough time with our children and loved ones. Maybe at the expense of our health  be it emotional, physical, mental or spiritual. WHY do we need so much money   ....   WHY?  ..... because we feel a lack. In other words because our souls are not being adequately nourished.

ILLUSION ...... how you see  can keep you either in stress-mode or connect you to the magnitude of creation.  
How to magnify the three dimensional experience
Join with me for the next post as I share with you a couple of my enlightening experiences of 'seeing' that was not seen before yet was always under my nose!

Until then,
Take care, 
 & spread a little love 

Cheers & love  CMW

Monday 17 November 2014

The Crossing - About the Painting

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

The Crossing

The right side of the painting
This represents the logic, active, assertive, aggressive, mental/intellectual side of life. Our left brain. Yang.
The red relates to survival and the base chakra. Physicality and three dimensional reality.
The four represents the square - the base to build upon. It is solid, logic. It is the foundation of expansion. It connects with earthly wants and needs and gives opportunity to be active in society in a functional physical and material manner.
The square and the rectangle. Masculine, confined and solid.
The circles represent the Divine, the God in all. Perfection.The Infinite. Spirituality, truth & wisdom. Connection to the Earth.
Here the circles are not perfect and represent the various religious organizations that build community, ethics, faith and a connection to God.

There comes a time in ones spiritual journey when the inner commitment to the Divine searches for more - yearning for more light and even higher learning. Foundations are rock solid and the soul cries out for more wholeness.
Faith and commitment to the 'journey' propel one to do much inner work - learning forgiveness,  patience, acceptance, release of attachments etc etc.

The crossing of the golden river
Stillness, and getting out off the mind, strengthens and fills one with inner beauty whilst connecting to the whole. Love is indescribable and complete. Expansion has happened and light floods in. A deepness of being and a new way of seeing takes place. A compassionate heart is realized.

The left side of the painting
Light streaming in. See everything in a new light! Openness, trust, faith, even in the darkest times.
The left side relates to the right side of the brain. Spirituality, non-thinking spontaneity, beauty, compassion, listening. Thinking without thinking, seeing without seeing. Femininity, love, caring, sharing. Yin.
The blue represents the void and infinite, all-encompassing mind. Knowledge of everything all around us. Also represents the throat chakra where truthful communication, and living, is paramount.
The green represents the beautiful open heart
The yellow tells of the solar plexus chakra balancing, and the opening of the higher vibrational chakras.
The golden, creamy colour represents the lightening of all aspects of life as a bigger perspective is seen.
There are no squares or rectangles. The mind has expanded and is now part of the hugeness and miracle of creation. Life is seen as a miracle and as infinite possibilities. No boundaries and forever expanding.
The Xs are the symbol for partnership with the Divine.
Life now has meaning. Making a difference. Action regarding anything that needs compassion and love, forgiveness and care. Respect, joy, LOVE and INNER PEACE. Conception - creation at its best. Balance, whole. A MEANINGFUL LIFE
EAST meats WEST - Yin & Yang

Until next time
Cheers and love   CMW