Tuesday 26 August 2014

Reflections on cancer

Why I haven`t written for ages is that my closest, and dearest, friend has been battling through his very drawn out last stages of prostate cancer.  He finally started his 'new' journey a few weeks ago.

                          The great departure is great when filled with love
                                   Without love there is no greatness

                                                           --- and yes, there was love and he had
the most serene and gently passing.
The day before his passing I had been lucky enough to wake up singing the song "Time To Say Goodbye". I always listen to what I am singing as it is usually very relevant to what is about to happen. Myself, my daughter and my two grandchildren went in to say our goodbyes and thankyous (for being a great friend and a terrific grandfather figure to the girls) the following day. After each of the girls kissed him a goodbye kiss on his forehead I spent some time saying it was his time to let go as he had finished all that he had come to do in this lifetime. I also reassured him that everyone would be okay and that we were here to help with the passing - meaning sending love and prayers for him through this transition. Half an hour later he died.
He was Hindu but received Buddhist prayers immediately after passing. We were present and felt the warmth and nurturing of those prayers - very beautiful.

Light Shining Through

My friend was a typical stubborn Leo and wanted to do 'it' his way - no chemo, no hands on or spiritual healing - he wanted to do it ONLY his way. So I was there as a friend to listen, respect him as an individual, and to spread love, laughter and beauty through, and around, him. In other words I was there to not judge but enjoy him - to keep light shining through at all times and to keep him in the awareness of the spiritual aspect of himself.

Seven years ago my friend had been told that his PSA was quite high and that it indicated a strong possibility of prostate cancer. He ignored the warning and refused to go back to the doctor, and told no-one his little secret, not even me.
It was three years later, whilst visiting me, that I noticed the way he was walking and the way his hand would automatically rub his hip and waist when he stood still. I asked him to please go and have his prostate checked. Pain in places like the back and the shoulder can sometimes indicate prostate cancer.
His PSA Count was NOW IN THE HUNDREDS. My friend refused surgery but later tried hormone therapy for awhile and finally succumbed to radiation to help with the control of pain. He ate well and even though very ill kept a twinkle in his eye.

Sunset at Witta

Even though it was really sad to see him go downhill so slowly the last years gave him enough time to look at himself and clear emotional rubbish by forgiving people from past hurts etc and dropping his judgements and attachments. That is why he was so peaceful in the last few weeks.
I`m so proud of him.The sweetness of surrender is the biggest lesson of all!


It is really helpful to support your body, mind and spirit whatever your religion, colour or beliefs.

If you are interested only in Natural Therapies:

Natural therapies -diet and herbs, supplements, have a much better chance of saving the day if you commit yourself to healing when the cancer hasn`t spread to other parts of the body. I do know people who have gone totally alternative - with raw food, digestive enzymes, visualization and meditation and have overcome all odds. These people addressed emotional stress, with change of job or other stressful circumstances. They also had loads of emotional and physical support(Food preparation etc.).
Close friends as well as family support is VITAL whatever one decides to do.
Also a really clean diet filled with loads of fresh organic vegetables is important as helps not only to feed the physical body but also the emotional body.
My book "A Pocket Full of Gold" addresses some different ways of supporting your body, mind and spirit as well as how some people have healed from cancer using alternative therapies. Am about to write the second edition, will let you know when it comes out. Want to do an Ebook so that it is cheaper for readers.

Blessings To My Dear Friend Arthur
Until next time,
Cheers and lots of love