Sunday 28 July 2013

Thinking Outside The Box When Designing Clothing

Making A Living Through Art - Designing Clothing
Lately a few people have asked me about my clothing design time. I seem to be meeting loads of would be designers, past designers or other artisans so here is a little sprinkling of the past clothing designing.
My days of designing started as the result of me being reduced to a very weak being after having many major mistakes made on me in surgery whilst undergoing a partial hysterectomy. When I finally was discharged from hospital I did not have the physical strength to continue as a professional potter so I turned to other avenues of expression and work. Organization of various tourist promotions also came to a halt as did volunteering re health etc. My life had definitely changed once again!

Stretch Cotton Bathers and Headband

I was quite well-known in Townsville and had actually been organizing the Magnetic Island Rediscovery Weekend , with Townsville`s radio weather man Steve Price, before my physically challenging episode took over. Steve knew that I was to have a small op and would be back working with him in no time.

I was three quarters dead on an ambulance trolley surrounded by a team of medics who were about to travel with me to Brisbane when Steve alighted from his plane and came to see what was happening. (I can`t remember any of this as I was out cold - later I was told of Steve`s shock etc.).
Bad news travels fast and it wasn`t long before the Mayors office heard what had happened to me.

Months later someone from the City Council phoned to ask if I would like to organize a fashion parade for Townsville`s Festival. They had heard that I was at loose ends. "Why not?" I thought "I`m not doing much at the moment".

All the large boutiques were asked to present their clothes. Funnily enough I had never ever seen so many boring "Melbourne Styled" clothes before! Grey, black, brown. I actually was disgusted. Where was the colour of Far North Queensland?
I loved Far North Queensland for it`s sun, the coral reef and the rainforest, burnt sienna hills and the beautiful butterflies, but most of all I loved to swim everyday climb the rocky granite outcrops. It truly is paradise.
When you wear the clothes that fit the picture the heat seems to be more enjoyable as you are more comfortable. You are transported into the picture instead of feeling separate as you watch the colour and movement all around you.
I guess I always want to understand the space I`m in and I always want to share that space!

So designed a few dresses and a few bathers to fill the parade`s canvas with colour and movement, with parched sun and tribal connection. I had the garments made in white cotton, silk or calico and then dyed them after they were made up. This was a complicated process as I often used wax to block off sections but the end result seemed to reflect more wholeness.
Much to my horror, and secret delight, even though my clothes actually weren`t for sale EVERYONE wanted them!!

The House of Jagel was born.
I aimed for the top end of the market selling to only Five Star Resorts and very classy boutiques. This way I could actually make lots of money with less outlay and would still have the time for my family. Luckily we owned a huge house so I was able to set up the business from home.

Stretch Cotton Bathers, Cotton Wrap

 You can see that I LOVE the Coral Reef and the ever-changing movement of life
in nature.

                   These photos were taken to show the designs on the fabric.
Stretch Cotton Bathers With Wrap

 Natural fibres were used for extra comfort. Cotton bathers are very comfortable in a hot sticky climate as they breathe - also much healthier for the wearer. Bathers were often used as under garments so that as the day changed you could add, or remove, various layers without feeling too risque.
Stretch Cotton Bathers And Skirt

Calico Jacket and Knee Length Shorts
Silk Kimono Pantsuit

Silk Layered Outfit With Silk Scarf and Headdress

Hope you enjoyed the colour and dance of the tropics, I know I did.

Next time I will share a bit about cancer

Until then
Cheers and much love   CMW