Tuesday 26 February 2013

An Unusual Healing in Africa

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

                     Unusual Healing in Remote Tanzania

Welcome to Tanzania Postcard  
This postcard always makes me laugh. My adventures in Tanzania still make me laugh as I shake my head in disbelief at everything that happened to me whilst there.
I loved working in a remote area of  the Selous Game Park in Tanzania. No telephones or electricity, no real roads, a two-way radio that sometimes worked, very little water and a tiny bit of food. Millions of mosquitoes and no mosquito nets or anti malarial medication. Plenty of elephants, rhino, snakes, lion, baboons, impala, giraffe, zebra and wildebeest. A visual feast with an adrenalin rush. Yes, I loved it!

I have heaps and heaps of amazing stories about my time with the Africans in The Selous, but today I will share with you one of my many stories about healing.

This particular day I was alone in camp as the 'boys', and my partner Somerset, had set out in search of water. We had absolutely no water left in camp and each day was a scorcher. Somery had decided that he and the 'boys', would trek down to the great Rufugi River where they would fill up a few containers with much needed water and then bring it back to camp.

I don`t know if you have ever experienced acute kidney pain but if you have then you`ll know exactly what I experienced a few hours after Somery and the boys had left camp. Kidney pain is excruciating and I had it in my right side. I knew it was kidney pain as about ten years previous I had had an operation on my uterus that had gone terribly wrong, leaving my kidneys and ureters very damaged! One never forgets that kind of pain.
Well here I was in camp rolling around on my mattress trying to cope with the pain. I also felt really hot and nauseous. "Oh shit" I screamed in pain. "Bloody hell. I wish Somery was here". I curled up into fetal position rocking from side to side whilst at the same time grabbing my small of my back and side with my hand. Awful. No way of getting any antibiotics from anywhere as we were days from anywhere that sold medication and did not have the means to get there!

Meanwhile Somerset had set off happily with no idea that I was to suddenly be struck down with kidney problems. He and the boys were miles away on a water finding mission and oblivious to my problems. 
Was Somery really oblivious to my problems? On a conscious level, he most definitely was. Subconsciously though was another matter.

Somery and I were very close on many levels. We were like twins. When I stumped my right toe he stumped his left toe. When I bought red socks, he also bought red socks! When I met him he was wearing the same bangle, same sunglasses (& they were unusually weird), same brightly coloured socks and had the same music was playing on his car radio (Ima Sumak) as mine ! Everybody kept saying he was my double and, mind you, I am a bit different to the norm!

That morning as Somery was busy collecting water and trekking back with it to the clapped-out old Landrover that he had left on a dusty animal track about 700metres from the river,  he bent over and picked up a small brown rock that had caught his eye. "C... would like that" he said to himself, as he stuffed it into his jeans pocket.

The Magic Healing Rock
 Now you must remember that Somerset was not consciously aware that I was terribly sick back in camp.

                                              EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED
                                     BE OPEN TO THE MAGIC OF CREATION 

Somery, and the boys, arrived back later that day. 
  "C..C.. Where are you?" Somerset yelled, as he walked towards the huts. 
  "Here, lying down" I screamed out in response. "I am in agony"
My partner immediately rushed to me.  "Oh God. What can I do to help?" he asked, as he held me in his arms.
   "Boil the water for half an hour, then after it is cooled I can start sipping some" I whispered. 
He stood up to leave when he suddenly remembered the stone in his pocket.
   "Oh, by the way, I picked up a stone I thought you might like" he said as he took it out of his pocket, "It caught my eye".
It was just an ordinary rock, just like all the others around the tracks. "How strange " I thought, as he handed it to me.


FOUR MINUTES LATER, with the rock still in my left hand, I started to sweat profusely. Sweat dripped into my eyes and off my chin, sweat dripped off my legs and hands. I then started to shake. This lasted for only a few minutes. SUDDENLY ALL PAIN HAD GONE. It had completely disappeared and I no longer felt nauseous and weak!!!!!!!!  I HAD BEEN INSTANTLY HEALED!
The magic healing stone, in hindsight, looks like a kidney!!
The magic of healing weaved its way into the subconscious of Somerset who automatically bent down and picked up the stone meant for me. His psyche knew that I needed help from that rock!! Isn`t creation a buzz? There is always help at hand - if you are in the flow and not too much into the head!!!
By the way I had no more kidney problems, or any health problems, for the rest of my stay in Africa. Years later I still have not experienced any major kidney problems or pain.

To read about another similar healing 'miracle' that took place in The Atherton Tablelands Far Nth Qld Australia please go to:

Here`s to the unknown and being open to the magic of creation,
Cheers and much love  CMW

Tuesday 5 February 2013

2013 The Year of The Black Water Snake

                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR              
                  2013 The Year Of the Black Water Snake

4th February ushered in the Chinese New Year bringing in the year of the Water Snake.          2013 = 6 in numerology

The sneaky SSSSSnake., quietly slivering and found in unexpected places. 
Go deeper into spirituality with meditation, stillness as well as activity. Dreams, insight, greater perception and intuition are huge possibilities if that quiet space within is found. A little Dream/ vision Message book is useful so that you can relate back later to the thoughts, visions and messages and learn from them.
The snake often symbolizes kundalini rising, creating a happier more wholistic existence. The colour black often is a symbol for the void, the space beyond the mind where everything is (except the ego).
Accessing wisdom and knowledge beyond the known.
Possibility of mind-blowing inventions that will help mankind. New ideas, innovative thinking.
Possibility of more than normal hurricanes, tornadoes, floods. - it`s a watery year.

Expect the unexpected. Changeability. Be prepared for sudden challenges.
Be CAUTIOUS in all parts of your life. If your car, or your own body, needs fixing, then do it now.
Forget the old "It will be right" syndrome and take your pills especially if for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all diagnosed heart conditions. If you have chest pain SEE A DOCTOR! This year suggests heart problems, stroke, and eye and kidney problems.
Vit E, Fish Oil, Multi vit B  can be taken to assist health. Eat loads of fibre and drink lots of water.
Make sure your home is insured as this is a water year. Floods, tornado and hurricane activity could be stronger this year.
If traveling take out travel insurance.
Unexpected Flooding in Sth East Queensland Jan 26th 2013

EVALUATE your situation, or problem, before reacting. Evaluate any losses  and learn how to compensate.
BE STRATEGIC re safety. Be less careless and look at everything from an all encompassing view point.
ASSUME RESPONSIBILTY for yourself, your family and your neighbours. This year, being a number six, gives you the opportunity to grow spiritually by being thoughtful and compassionate towards those in need.
Check on single people, check on the elderly. Share what you have - no need to be greedy or self-serving.

The photo above was what my road looked like. Electricty ploes down, bridges well and truly covered and no phone - landline or mobile- and here was no access to petrol (as no electricty) any where on the Sunshine Coast.
Where I live though the petrol was still available as the shop had a generator which, mind you, could either be used for the petrol OR the shop (to try and keep frozen and cold foods in tact). Locals rushed to fill up their 4 wheel drives, AND their wives cars, without any thought for the farmers, the emergency vehicles etc. Where was the thoughtfulness and compassion for those that really needed to use the petrol? GREED and SELF-SERVING only. Why go backwards, closing your heart, when given an opportunity to warm and expand the heart? I heard generators going ALL day when other people close by had no food or water left.
Everybody can do with at least a cup of tea and a warm smile!!!! 
Yes, natural disasters bring out the very best, and the very worst, in people.

The TV news warned us to expect very little rain for the next three months. The weather was stifling  hot and my water tank was just about empty when my daughter told me about a dream. 
WE WERE FOREWARNED - my grand-daughter had a telling dream three weeks before the floods. She was given the time and the vision of us flooded. She would not have had that dream if it was going to be just a small flood. We listened and then prepared ourselves and bought in torch batteries, candles, gas stove/bottles, water, tinned food and pasta etc. - all fast cooking foods to conserve the gas.

Have enough tinned and dried food stock piled to last for two weeks. Make sure you have some large water containers, a gas cooker/camp stove, lighter and a couple of tarps handy. Think about what could happen and expect the unexpected. Remember that scientists do expect the sun to emit some huge solar flares this year!
Check out 2012s preparation list in my previous post on 10th Jan 2012 see below

C.M.W. reflections: 2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally ...
Jan 10, 2012 – 2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, ...

Ancient Door Handle
Get A Handle On It! 
We will experience a mixed bag this year filled with ups and downs and many changes. Don`t play with fire ie don`t play the game of Russian Roulette. Be cautious, expect the unexpected, be prepared, be responsible and plan wisely and be compassionate. In an emergency look after the family and those people who are less fortunate. Use wisdom when difficulties arise. Delve deeper into the void so that perception and intuition, wisdom and spirituality are enhanced. Creative thinking will also be then more accessible.
 Here`s to a watery year
And to spiritual growth
Cheers,   CMW