Monday 23 December 2013


 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.




PS   I will be back to writing at the beginning of 2014. Have had a very interesting last few months hence no posts. 
Hope all is well
Take care 
Cheers CMW

Sunday 28 July 2013

Thinking Outside The Box When Designing Clothing

Making A Living Through Art - Designing Clothing
Lately a few people have asked me about my clothing design time. I seem to be meeting loads of would be designers, past designers or other artisans so here is a little sprinkling of the past clothing designing.
My days of designing started as the result of me being reduced to a very weak being after having many major mistakes made on me in surgery whilst undergoing a partial hysterectomy. When I finally was discharged from hospital I did not have the physical strength to continue as a professional potter so I turned to other avenues of expression and work. Organization of various tourist promotions also came to a halt as did volunteering re health etc. My life had definitely changed once again!

Stretch Cotton Bathers and Headband

I was quite well-known in Townsville and had actually been organizing the Magnetic Island Rediscovery Weekend , with Townsville`s radio weather man Steve Price, before my physically challenging episode took over. Steve knew that I was to have a small op and would be back working with him in no time.

I was three quarters dead on an ambulance trolley surrounded by a team of medics who were about to travel with me to Brisbane when Steve alighted from his plane and came to see what was happening. (I can`t remember any of this as I was out cold - later I was told of Steve`s shock etc.).
Bad news travels fast and it wasn`t long before the Mayors office heard what had happened to me.

Months later someone from the City Council phoned to ask if I would like to organize a fashion parade for Townsville`s Festival. They had heard that I was at loose ends. "Why not?" I thought "I`m not doing much at the moment".

All the large boutiques were asked to present their clothes. Funnily enough I had never ever seen so many boring "Melbourne Styled" clothes before! Grey, black, brown. I actually was disgusted. Where was the colour of Far North Queensland?
I loved Far North Queensland for it`s sun, the coral reef and the rainforest, burnt sienna hills and the beautiful butterflies, but most of all I loved to swim everyday climb the rocky granite outcrops. It truly is paradise.
When you wear the clothes that fit the picture the heat seems to be more enjoyable as you are more comfortable. You are transported into the picture instead of feeling separate as you watch the colour and movement all around you.
I guess I always want to understand the space I`m in and I always want to share that space!

So designed a few dresses and a few bathers to fill the parade`s canvas with colour and movement, with parched sun and tribal connection. I had the garments made in white cotton, silk or calico and then dyed them after they were made up. This was a complicated process as I often used wax to block off sections but the end result seemed to reflect more wholeness.
Much to my horror, and secret delight, even though my clothes actually weren`t for sale EVERYONE wanted them!!

The House of Jagel was born.
I aimed for the top end of the market selling to only Five Star Resorts and very classy boutiques. This way I could actually make lots of money with less outlay and would still have the time for my family. Luckily we owned a huge house so I was able to set up the business from home.

Stretch Cotton Bathers, Cotton Wrap

 You can see that I LOVE the Coral Reef and the ever-changing movement of life
in nature.

                   These photos were taken to show the designs on the fabric.
Stretch Cotton Bathers With Wrap

 Natural fibres were used for extra comfort. Cotton bathers are very comfortable in a hot sticky climate as they breathe - also much healthier for the wearer. Bathers were often used as under garments so that as the day changed you could add, or remove, various layers without feeling too risque.
Stretch Cotton Bathers And Skirt

Calico Jacket and Knee Length Shorts
Silk Kimono Pantsuit

Silk Layered Outfit With Silk Scarf and Headdress

Hope you enjoyed the colour and dance of the tropics, I know I did.

Next time I will share a bit about cancer

Until then
Cheers and much love   CMW

Sunday 14 April 2013

Poem ' The Mirror '

The Presence Felt in Marigolds
Sometimes we forget that we are all of the Creator. I know that sometimes my ego gets the better of me. This is when connection to the Source (God) is forgotten and life is throwing up confusion and chaos - nothing runs smoothly. Suffering - anger, pain, jealousy, sadness and the feeling of unworthiness are some of the ego`s manifestation and all come with being in a head-space that is the opposite of love and divinity.
"Where Is God when I need Him?" You might ask.
Of course God is right there - beside you and in you. It is just that you, and your baggage (ego), have pulled down the shutter and the light can no longer be seen! God lives in everything. It`s our mind and our emotions (that drive the mind) that have gone on a roller-coaster collecting more dust and debris on the way. Molehills become mountains manifested through improper use of the mind.

Here is a little poem about emotions and forgetting who we truly are:

                                            Into the mirror
                                            I watched myself
                                            Within it all

                                             Woven fabric
                                             New and old
                                             With flecks of me
                                             In stories told
                                             Of waves crashing
                                             Rolling thunder
                                             Wind howling
                                             Going under
                                              Sky becomes blue
                                              And vision more true

                                              Softly, very softly
                                              Pushing us to see
                                              God calls out
                                              Look at me!
                                              Look at me!

                                              I`m here
                                              Within the garden
                                              In the fruit
                                              Hanging on that tree
                                              In the whispering wind
                                              That catches hair
                                              In song of bumble bee
                                              I`m here, I`m there
                                              I`m everywhere
                                              For everyone to see
                                              When you look in the mirror
                                              You are looking at me!

When feeling on a downer break loose and go outside and feel the wind upon your cheek. Feel the miracle of creation. Watch a bird in flight and the perfection of creation. We are all part of it!! Then BREATHE deeply and enjoy. Breathe in creation.

A Glimpse of Garden 2
Here`s to the God-essence within
And the perfection of creation
Cheers and much love,  CMW

Monday 25 March 2013

Sea Creature Batiks

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery. 

Hello everyone,
Thought I might share a couple of batiks. Hope you enjoy them.

Part of a Large Batik Using Sea Creatures to Provoke Attitudinal Healing
Sea Cucumber member of the Dendrochirotida Family

The series of very large batiks were hung in the corridors of a Queensland hospital. Explanations in poetry next to the batiks gave those that read them  insights into re creating a balanced happy life. We all lose our way at times and usually when we are ill we are suffering emotional as well as physical  pain. An unbalanced life is a precursor to sickness. Patients in hospital have plenty of time to think about life and how to rearrange their lives and attitudes so they can heal quickly.
Batiks, being on fabric, create a soft non-reflective surface which is easy on the eye. Often batiks can fill the space in which they are hung with warmth as well as beauty.

Patience and the Willingness of Acceptance. 
Open and Ready To Receive Love & Sustenance  in its many forms.
This amazing sea cucumber, a member of the Dendrochirotida  family, shows us how sea creatures are adapted to their environment. This sedentary sea cucumber lives on the soft muddy substrate between the coral reefs. The creature waits patiently as its large tentacles, with their branching dendritic ends, catch it`s food supply of plankton. The batik shows movement and fluidity. The sea creature naturally eats what it needs - no more, no less. It is open to receive and waits patiently experiencing the 'now' fully. The beauty of creation surrounds and imbues this remarkable creature.

Chromodorid Nudibranch
Adaptation and The Use of Creative Imagination and Expression
Part of a huge batik featuring the Chromodorid Nudibranch. These sea slugs have evolved with opting out of  having no hard protective shell! Instead they have evolved using many interesting shapes and colours. Many have poisonous or bad-tasting glands in their skin. It is thought that the beautiful bright colours are there to warn off possible predators.
We sometimes have to change ourselves, our life, our environment, bad habits - diet etc. in order to adapt  to new situations be they emotional, physical or financial. Use the imagination as creative thinking, action and visualization can allow us to live more fully and joyfully within the changed or new circumstances. Think outside the box. Delight in being alive now. Delight in nature. Look at things and situations with new eyes.
You are uniquely you. Make sure you bring your true colours into your life. BE TRUE TO YOURSELF
Change your colour and with a little imagination let yourself evolve into a new and authentic you.

Until next time
May love and joy be part of you and your day
Cheers  CMW                 

Monday 11 March 2013

DISINTEGRATION - We live in a changing world

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


            The Disintegration of Systems, Cultural Heritage, Religions, Community, Families, Humanity
                                           Disintegration of the Body, Mind and Spirit
The spinning vortex of  the LACK OF and FEAR energy sucks in those whose lower chakras are imbalanced, creating more greed and violence and more sexual perversion resulting in more crime and more confusion in society. As the vortex spins energy patterns magnify. Thought patterns, emotions, words and actions affect energy and create more of the same. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. The biggest energy patterns then swallow up smaller energy patterns. The focus these days, in the Western World, seems to be on materialism and consumerism, sex and violence. You just need to turn on the TV to realize this.

               THERE IS NO LACK or FEAR when one comes from the base of LOVE

Lack = Soul crying for recognition as is isolated from the whole by the illusion of deep-seated unworthiness.
Communication breakdown also occurs where there is fear or the subconscious feeling of lack or fear.

                THERE IS NO LACK or FEAR when one comes from the base of LOVE

If only we all had the courage to see how beautiful and meaningful our existence really is! 
If only we had the courage to still the mind and look inside for truthful answers and see how truly powerful and magnificent we are!

This requires a shift in perspective - the courage to change the view we have of ourselves, as well as tolerance and reflection on nature and the miracle of life. Gratitude for the smallest of things, and experiences, as well as respect for those that have different ways of doing things and different attitudes and thoughts creates a space ready for love.
We are supposed to be living a healthy and happy life expressing ourselves as individuals. When we come from the base of love ALL this is possible.

Maybe the breakdown of certain systems is a good thing for the future, maybe it is not.
I believe the Mother Earth who sustains us, as well as humankind, is out of balance because of our indifference to the bigger picture. Lack of respect, and love for each other and for nature, is creating huge  breakdowns in every part of our society.


If you are feeling unloved, are greedy and / or are buying more and more, if you are depressed, lonely, short-tempered or hate someone, if you are scared of saying how you feel at work or in a relationship, if you don`t eat good healthy food or starve yourself, or you find communication difficult THEN maybe you could find the courage to step into a new more balanced world of possibility by allowing more love into you life.


PLEASE READ below in last week`s blog some reminders of how we can bring more love into our lives.
The soul connection is all about love. 
Less love = less wholeness, less intuition, less miracles, less joy.

A better place, and space, is waiting for us
Open the heart and music plays a happier dance of creation

Cheers and much love in this changing world    CMW

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Open The Heart

 I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.


Open The Heart and Music Plays The Rhythmic Dance of Creation

An Open Heart Allows Flowers To Blossom
Green is the colour of the heart chackra

Love is the greatest healer. 
We all feel happy when we feel love or feel loved. This emotion, called love, radiates through every part of the body triggering a higher vibration that is more in tune with creation, magic and miracles.  
Yes, the power of love can most definitely create miracles !


Below are a few tips to start love rolling. I`m not talking of fulfilling a need from outside ourselves. I`m writing about tips to open our hearts to enable us to naturally attract loving situations, beauty and good health into our lives.

They say charity starts at home so, if you are feeling angry, let down, frustrated, sad, unloved, useless, unworthy, old, or hopeless, then do something about it now - start off by looking after yourself - honouring all that you are - A GIFT from the Creator.
Have a bath, watch a funny movie, eat less junk food and more live food and vegies. Drink more water, less caffeine and no carbonated drinks. Go for a daily walk and breathe in life. Clean up the mess. Put your clothes away. Clean out the fridge. Make the garden nice with a birdbath, or bowl, for the birds. Clean your home, rearrange the furniture, pick flowers, open the windows and blinds and let the light (and life) in, eat food on a really nice plate, massage your hands and ankles. It is the little things that count. Get your finances in order - if you are broke then make out a budget and daily write down everything that you buy and save each week. Save some $ every week. 

MEET THE NEIGHBOURS  We have get-togethers with the neighbours about three or four times a year. A shared meal - BYO breakfast, lunch or dinner. All of us get agro with things the neighbours say or do SO instead of hoarding the negatives we get together and enjoy ourselves. Small irritations then dissolve.
Sometimes a neighbour then willingly helps out.
DO SOME FORM OF VOLUNTEER WORK  The heart opens easily when you help someone else who is less fortunate than you. 
LISTEN   to each other, the wind, music, the heart, the birdsong at dawn. Listen with more than ears.
CARE FOR   yourself, your family, your ancestors, your friends & neighbours, the planet Earth and the air you breathe and the food you eat and the water you drink.
BE COMPASSIONATE   Put yourself in other  people`s shoes & feel how they are feeling.
HAVE PATIENCE  as the world will keep on being. You may need to compromise. Sometimes there is a hidden reason why things aren`t falling into place how or when you would like them to.  
RESPECT and honour your work
SING, DANCE, LAUGH, PLAY  - go on, I dare you!
WALK - preferably in nature, STRETCH or EXERCISE DAILY
LEARN TO MEDITATE - still your mind. When silence becomes you the experience is one of wholeness in which love and complete peace is realized.
YOU ARE LUCKY - Have you ten toes? lucky you if you have. Have you shelter? Have you something to eat? Can you read this? LUCKY YOU
GIVE 10% of earnings to a charity that is helping people somehow to reach their full potential and / or be more wholistic / sustainable.

The Heart Of My Beetroot

If love is lost and you are thinking thoughts like " why me? It`s not fair or I`m a victim of circumstance", then KNOW THAT YOU CAN LEARN AND GROW FROM THESE EXPERIENCES! Life is always moving, rearranging and open to change. Our thoughts and mindsets dictate and manifest into our reality. Inner work, forgiveness and courage to let go and to step into the future is truly just a thought away. If we can become aware of our thoughts and actions, and reactions, then we are half-way back into the love zone. Look for the positives. Catch yourself out being negative and quickly say out load a positive. You know a pineapple has such awful sharp leaves BUT it also has very tasty refreshing juice that helps to keep our blood thin and therefore helps us to be more healthy!! THE GOOD DOES OUTWEIGH THE BAD.
Look for the positive in things, people and situations. You will be more of love (happier) if you do! Happiness is also great for business. Go about work thinking and enjoying your work. Be the best you can
and reap high rewards.

A Heart Formed in my Soup!
I see hearts everywhere in many things throughout my day. When I see a heart I think of love and straight away I feel blessed, warm and content. Lucky me!

Even My Egg Turned Into a Heart!
Take courage by the hand
Squeeze twice
Take a little love & sprinkle on top
Add a little more & shake for five minutes
THEN let go of fear, sadness and pain
Shake a little more and smiling
Sing Hallelujah!

Here`s cheers, sprinkled with lots of love,  CMW

Tuesday 26 February 2013

An Unusual Healing in Africa

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.

                     Unusual Healing in Remote Tanzania

Welcome to Tanzania Postcard  
This postcard always makes me laugh. My adventures in Tanzania still make me laugh as I shake my head in disbelief at everything that happened to me whilst there.
I loved working in a remote area of  the Selous Game Park in Tanzania. No telephones or electricity, no real roads, a two-way radio that sometimes worked, very little water and a tiny bit of food. Millions of mosquitoes and no mosquito nets or anti malarial medication. Plenty of elephants, rhino, snakes, lion, baboons, impala, giraffe, zebra and wildebeest. A visual feast with an adrenalin rush. Yes, I loved it!

I have heaps and heaps of amazing stories about my time with the Africans in The Selous, but today I will share with you one of my many stories about healing.

This particular day I was alone in camp as the 'boys', and my partner Somerset, had set out in search of water. We had absolutely no water left in camp and each day was a scorcher. Somery had decided that he and the 'boys', would trek down to the great Rufugi River where they would fill up a few containers with much needed water and then bring it back to camp.

I don`t know if you have ever experienced acute kidney pain but if you have then you`ll know exactly what I experienced a few hours after Somery and the boys had left camp. Kidney pain is excruciating and I had it in my right side. I knew it was kidney pain as about ten years previous I had had an operation on my uterus that had gone terribly wrong, leaving my kidneys and ureters very damaged! One never forgets that kind of pain.
Well here I was in camp rolling around on my mattress trying to cope with the pain. I also felt really hot and nauseous. "Oh shit" I screamed in pain. "Bloody hell. I wish Somery was here". I curled up into fetal position rocking from side to side whilst at the same time grabbing my small of my back and side with my hand. Awful. No way of getting any antibiotics from anywhere as we were days from anywhere that sold medication and did not have the means to get there!

Meanwhile Somerset had set off happily with no idea that I was to suddenly be struck down with kidney problems. He and the boys were miles away on a water finding mission and oblivious to my problems. 
Was Somery really oblivious to my problems? On a conscious level, he most definitely was. Subconsciously though was another matter.

Somery and I were very close on many levels. We were like twins. When I stumped my right toe he stumped his left toe. When I bought red socks, he also bought red socks! When I met him he was wearing the same bangle, same sunglasses (& they were unusually weird), same brightly coloured socks and had the same music was playing on his car radio (Ima Sumak) as mine ! Everybody kept saying he was my double and, mind you, I am a bit different to the norm!

That morning as Somery was busy collecting water and trekking back with it to the clapped-out old Landrover that he had left on a dusty animal track about 700metres from the river,  he bent over and picked up a small brown rock that had caught his eye. "C... would like that" he said to himself, as he stuffed it into his jeans pocket.

The Magic Healing Rock
 Now you must remember that Somerset was not consciously aware that I was terribly sick back in camp.

                                              EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED
                                     BE OPEN TO THE MAGIC OF CREATION 

Somery, and the boys, arrived back later that day. 
  "C..C.. Where are you?" Somerset yelled, as he walked towards the huts. 
  "Here, lying down" I screamed out in response. "I am in agony"
My partner immediately rushed to me.  "Oh God. What can I do to help?" he asked, as he held me in his arms.
   "Boil the water for half an hour, then after it is cooled I can start sipping some" I whispered. 
He stood up to leave when he suddenly remembered the stone in his pocket.
   "Oh, by the way, I picked up a stone I thought you might like" he said as he took it out of his pocket, "It caught my eye".
It was just an ordinary rock, just like all the others around the tracks. "How strange " I thought, as he handed it to me.


FOUR MINUTES LATER, with the rock still in my left hand, I started to sweat profusely. Sweat dripped into my eyes and off my chin, sweat dripped off my legs and hands. I then started to shake. This lasted for only a few minutes. SUDDENLY ALL PAIN HAD GONE. It had completely disappeared and I no longer felt nauseous and weak!!!!!!!!  I HAD BEEN INSTANTLY HEALED!
The magic healing stone, in hindsight, looks like a kidney!!
The magic of healing weaved its way into the subconscious of Somerset who automatically bent down and picked up the stone meant for me. His psyche knew that I needed help from that rock!! Isn`t creation a buzz? There is always help at hand - if you are in the flow and not too much into the head!!!
By the way I had no more kidney problems, or any health problems, for the rest of my stay in Africa. Years later I still have not experienced any major kidney problems or pain.

To read about another similar healing 'miracle' that took place in The Atherton Tablelands Far Nth Qld Australia please go to:

Here`s to the unknown and being open to the magic of creation,
Cheers and much love  CMW

Tuesday 5 February 2013

2013 The Year of The Black Water Snake

                                   HAPPY NEW YEAR              
                  2013 The Year Of the Black Water Snake

4th February ushered in the Chinese New Year bringing in the year of the Water Snake.          2013 = 6 in numerology

The sneaky SSSSSnake., quietly slivering and found in unexpected places. 
Go deeper into spirituality with meditation, stillness as well as activity. Dreams, insight, greater perception and intuition are huge possibilities if that quiet space within is found. A little Dream/ vision Message book is useful so that you can relate back later to the thoughts, visions and messages and learn from them.
The snake often symbolizes kundalini rising, creating a happier more wholistic existence. The colour black often is a symbol for the void, the space beyond the mind where everything is (except the ego).
Accessing wisdom and knowledge beyond the known.
Possibility of mind-blowing inventions that will help mankind. New ideas, innovative thinking.
Possibility of more than normal hurricanes, tornadoes, floods. - it`s a watery year.

Expect the unexpected. Changeability. Be prepared for sudden challenges.
Be CAUTIOUS in all parts of your life. If your car, or your own body, needs fixing, then do it now.
Forget the old "It will be right" syndrome and take your pills especially if for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and all diagnosed heart conditions. If you have chest pain SEE A DOCTOR! This year suggests heart problems, stroke, and eye and kidney problems.
Vit E, Fish Oil, Multi vit B  can be taken to assist health. Eat loads of fibre and drink lots of water.
Make sure your home is insured as this is a water year. Floods, tornado and hurricane activity could be stronger this year.
If traveling take out travel insurance.
Unexpected Flooding in Sth East Queensland Jan 26th 2013

EVALUATE your situation, or problem, before reacting. Evaluate any losses  and learn how to compensate.
BE STRATEGIC re safety. Be less careless and look at everything from an all encompassing view point.
ASSUME RESPONSIBILTY for yourself, your family and your neighbours. This year, being a number six, gives you the opportunity to grow spiritually by being thoughtful and compassionate towards those in need.
Check on single people, check on the elderly. Share what you have - no need to be greedy or self-serving.

The photo above was what my road looked like. Electricty ploes down, bridges well and truly covered and no phone - landline or mobile- and here was no access to petrol (as no electricty) any where on the Sunshine Coast.
Where I live though the petrol was still available as the shop had a generator which, mind you, could either be used for the petrol OR the shop (to try and keep frozen and cold foods in tact). Locals rushed to fill up their 4 wheel drives, AND their wives cars, without any thought for the farmers, the emergency vehicles etc. Where was the thoughtfulness and compassion for those that really needed to use the petrol? GREED and SELF-SERVING only. Why go backwards, closing your heart, when given an opportunity to warm and expand the heart? I heard generators going ALL day when other people close by had no food or water left.
Everybody can do with at least a cup of tea and a warm smile!!!! 
Yes, natural disasters bring out the very best, and the very worst, in people.

The TV news warned us to expect very little rain for the next three months. The weather was stifling  hot and my water tank was just about empty when my daughter told me about a dream. 
WE WERE FOREWARNED - my grand-daughter had a telling dream three weeks before the floods. She was given the time and the vision of us flooded. She would not have had that dream if it was going to be just a small flood. We listened and then prepared ourselves and bought in torch batteries, candles, gas stove/bottles, water, tinned food and pasta etc. - all fast cooking foods to conserve the gas.

Have enough tinned and dried food stock piled to last for two weeks. Make sure you have some large water containers, a gas cooker/camp stove, lighter and a couple of tarps handy. Think about what could happen and expect the unexpected. Remember that scientists do expect the sun to emit some huge solar flares this year!
Check out 2012s preparation list in my previous post on 10th Jan 2012 see below

C.M.W. reflections: 2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally ...
Jan 10, 2012 – 2012 Be Prepared Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, ...

Ancient Door Handle
Get A Handle On It! 
We will experience a mixed bag this year filled with ups and downs and many changes. Don`t play with fire ie don`t play the game of Russian Roulette. Be cautious, expect the unexpected, be prepared, be responsible and plan wisely and be compassionate. In an emergency look after the family and those people who are less fortunate. Use wisdom when difficulties arise. Delve deeper into the void so that perception and intuition, wisdom and spirituality are enhanced. Creative thinking will also be then more accessible.
 Here`s to a watery year
And to spiritual growth
Cheers,   CMW