Tuesday 23 October 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Fifth Sacred Key


Less toxins = more happiness 

There are many harmful chemicals and pesticides in our 'progressive' society.
Many chemicals can create havoc within our own immune systems and endocrine systems creating disease and degeneration. Neurotoxins affect our mental state causing anger, confusion, loss of memory, depression etc etc. Fast foods, canned fizzy drinks and food additives can contain neurotoxins.
These same toxins either ingested, breathed in, or absorbed by the skin, have a greater impact on the unborn child, the newborn child and the toddler, as the brain is still undergoing development.

The air we breathe is full of different toxic chemicals including cigarette smoke, perfumes and air fresheners, fumes from cleaning agents, petrol and diesel, paint fumes, new white goods, cars, vinyl products, carpets .....and the list goes on and on. Huge amounts of toxic chemicals are released into the atmosphere every second of the day.
A responsible conscious parent will try to reduce toxic chemical intake as much as possible.
For Example
Use organic natural garden care.
Do not use insect sprays near children. Remove yourself as quickly as possible from sprayed area. Drink loads of water and go outside for awhile. Also wash hands and face ASAP with water.
Not buy a new car to bring the baby home from hospital.
Shut car windows when filling up with petrol/diesel. 
Stop smoking and ask friends to smoke outside away from the baby/child.
Paint the nursery with non-toxic paint.
Keep children away from paint fumes and other chemicals. Don`t use hairsprays and potent cleaning agents, be creative and think outside the box! See what is available, and chemical free, from the Health Food Shop.
I remember taking a new mattress, that stank of chemicals, out into the paddock for awhile, until there was no more 'smell', before being used. When my kids were small, and aluminium-free deodorants were not available, I would wear a frangipane flower in my hair or tucked into my blouse. The scent was beautiful.
A responsble conscious parent will be eating a good healthy organic home cooked diet.
A responsble conscious parent will not be ingesting fizzy drinks like coke a cola  that quickens the heart rate
and effects the brain and will not be giving these drinks to their children or feeding the children with packaged or fast food. For a treat why not have orange juice mixed with mineral water?

Be responsible and aware of what your child is breathing in, ingesting and absorbing. Check for chemical-free alternatives.

Having the TV on all morning or afternoon will impact on the child`s life. I have seen some parents actually place their newborn baby directly in front of their massive TV (between them and the TV). Electro magnetic fields given off from TVs, computers etc do weaken the immune system so keep your distance!
Sound pollution can be a problem and so can the lack of imagination and stimuli created by too much TV.
It`s no wonder that depressed people blob out in front of the TV - maybe the electromagnetic disturbances impact the watcher helping to create the depression!!!

Keep light and aware, not obsessive and grumpy. EVERY CHILD SHOULD FEEL THE JOY OF LIFE & NOT GROW UP FEARFUL. Less toxins = more happiness

BE AWARE AND RESPONSIBLE so that your children have the very best opportunity in life to reach their full potential. Happiness and success will then be possible.

Here`s to being awake and having a healthy well-balanced child
Until next time
Cheers and love CMW

Saturday 6 October 2012

Sacred Parenting - The Fourth Sacred Key

The Ten Keys to sacred parenting are applicable to all stages of parenting be it during the first stage  (pregnancy), the second stage (early childhood), the third stage (school age), the fourth stage (teenager), or the fifth stage when your child is an adult. The joy of parenting lasts forever!

 Wikipedia definition
Communication (from Latin "communis", meaning to share) is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.
The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender. 

Rarely do we communicate
we just take turns talking


Communication with your child starts from the day your child was conceived. The fact that you have begun reflecting on the 'gift of life' and are able to recognize the magnificence of creation through this gift, is in truth the beginning of real communication.
As the months go by it is really important to talk to your unborn child - not only talk but listen and feel your tummy, and inside your tummy, as you talk. Watch softly for the baby`s response. Subtle at first but as the foetus grows you will feel the responses more and more clearly.
You are already building up a very positive, loving relationship between you and your child. Soothing words of love and happiness will allow your child to feel nourished and safe within the confines of the womb. Communicate caring and love through song. The unborn child will respond to your voice and to the vibrations of your emotional state and words. Resting your hands on your tummy as you communicate to he, or she, will help strengthen the feeling of love and trust within the relationship that now exists between you and your baby. Bonding on a deeper spiritual level will now take place.
It is a really good idea to spend quiet time communicating and bonding with your unborn baby each day.

After the baby is born this quiet intimate time together creates further bonding. When you feed your baby make sure you quietly enjoy this special time together. This time allows the baby to safely be nourished without distraction. Spiritually speaking eating meals with loved ones whilst appreciating the food, as well as eating whilst content, allows the food to be better digested and the mind more balanced.
SOFT COMMUNICATION - Food for the Soul
As your baby is growing into a toddler, and from then onwards, it is really wise to practice the art of soft communication. The child will then learn to respect others as he or she will know that he or she, has been heard.

Being heard creates self respect and respect for others. When time is taken listening and allowing a child to express his or her points of view, and ideas, then that child learns self-worth. Sadly most parents are rushing here and there and feel that they haven`t the time to patiently listen to a little child. It is no wonder that kids feel unwanted, and lack self-worth, and therefore get into all sorts of trouble when they are teenagers!

Most adults don`t know what is meant by soft communication.
Soft communication is a process that involves respect for whom you are talking to, patience, and the art of listening with more than ears. If we take the time to actually see, feel and hear the response to our words  we can begin to understand the other person more clearly. We also replace judgement with respect, fear with love, unworthiness with worthiness. Real communication then takes place. Most problems in later life stem from poor communication skills. More on this subject in another post at a later date.

                                        EVERYONE WANTS TO BE HEARD
                               EVERYONE  NEEDS TO FEEL WORTHWHILE
                                    THIS INSPIRES THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL 
                                       TO EXPRESS ITSELF MORE FREELY
                                THUS CREATING ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES 
                                                      FOR REALIZING
                                          THE SOUL`S FULL POTENTIAL 

Here`s to taking the time to listen
Cheers and Love   CMW