Monday 26 March 2012

An Evening Amongst The Green

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

Green is the colour of the Heart Chakra. This photo was taken in Far North Queensland`s rainforest. A place alive, pulsing with sound and exquisite  beauty. A place that touches the soul, cleansing and reviving what sometimes is lost. Love found. Heart revived.


        Prisms of colour                             
        Dancing in light
        Between the leaves
        Of the evergreen flesh
        Playing a song
        All through the night

        Moonlight softens
        And mysteriously plays
        On shapes and sounds
        Abundant in dark
        Yet beautifully caressing
        The leaves and the bark

         Once again remembering
         Nature`s magical moments
         Of everlasting beauty

Of course we don`t have to travel to Far North Queensland to appreciate the magnificence of creation. Lovely though to stop and feel the ambiance given by trees, flowers, herbs. Lovely to stop and absorb the sounds of the birds. Lovely to stop and watch a friend or a child being themselves. Open the heart and see with new eyes the dance of life that is all around us.     

Please check out the next post as it captures the essence of green. A Healing story using nature`s medicine.
       Cheers & many blessings  CMW

Monday 19 March 2012

Expansion. Painting titled 'Fire In The Lake'

The physical body is connected to the emotional and mental body.
The physical, emotional and mental body is connected to the spirit that dwells within.
The spirit is connected to the soul
The soul is the pure part of us and is part of the Absolute (God). It is eternal, infinite and never dies.

Fire In The Lake,  Hexagram 49  is part of the I Ching series
This painting reminds us of the creative aspect of ourselves that contributes to the expansion of our consciousness if used in a positive manner.
49 = 13 = 4
49 : 4 building a base 9 creative aspect of joining the body, mind and spirit, searching for spiritual expansion, selfless service.
13:  Individual expression, leadership. 3 creativity.
4:  Solid base to grow from. Stability.
Fire is the symbol used to portray creative passion. Reds, oranges, yellows.
Blue depicts water which is the symbol used to portray emotions less than love.
When fire is placed under water, expansion occurs. Water molecules expand turning the water to steam. Steam then becomes part of the 'whole' as it mingles with the air.
Fire is lying on the left side of the painting and the lake is on the right. Within the lake there is movement, movement due to fire.
The circle with the dot in the middle is the God I Am symbol. Activated by fire the circle is expanded.
The organic growth of trees. Circles of growth, natural stages in development. Ladder-like runs suggest possible movement into higher states of consciousness one run at a time.

Hexagon 49  Fire In The Lake
 The fire, or creative aspect of ourselves, refers to the passionate expression that often lies forgotten or pushed aside when emotional turmoil is prevalent in our lives. It is very easy to get swept away, overcome and absorbed in, and sometimes almost drown in our sorrow, emotional pain and suffering,  much to our ego`s satisfaction. The truth is that we are NOT our pain. Suffering emotionally is a result of ideas formulated by a lifetime of attachments, judgements. The subconscious collects and stores responses and ideas given to it. We react according to information stored. The ego dictates our state of emotion.
Still, we are all human and we do have emotions and these emtions are better expressed than ignored. The trick though is how to break away,  after the intensity, and dissolve the 'pain' so that it doesn`t take over our lives and become deep seated in our subconscious. As when this happens our mind and emotions start to control us, leaving us with a life shut down in areas of reaching our full potential and happiness.
Source out what you enjoy doing that is a creative way of expressing yourself. What you loved doing, or imagined doing, when you were a child. Singing, dancing, making mud pies, painting, acting, riding horses, gardening, writing? It is these forms of expression that allow your mind to be in no-man`s-land, neutral, a state of being. Energy is freed up harmonising the body, mind and spirit. It is in these times that our soul sings and rejoices once again. The individual is expressed as it becomes more of the 'whole'.

When darkness falls
Tap yourself on the shoulder
And, just for a moment
Step outside of the ego
And see the beauty of creation
Waiting to be enjoyed

Love and cheers, CMW

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Love, The Great Healer

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

This writing is taken from the health book  A Pocket Full of Gold by Christabel Mary

Section two - The Walk, Gathering Information
Chapter One  Removing Fear
 Page 115  

A very long time ago I came across a lady cowering in a corner of an alley. Even though she looked vacant, staring into emptiness, I could inwardly sense her very deep fear. It was awful seeing an individual reduced to this mental state. She had obviously absconded from the psychiatric ward. As I did not want to alarm her in any way, I decided to approach her from directly in front. She would then have a chance to familiarise herself with my presence.
   Compassion overcame me as I walked towards her, showering her with my love. Softly, very softly I said to her, looking directly into her eyes, 'Hello, I`m Christabel. What is your name?'
The lady continued to gaze blankly into the distance but somewhere I felt a change in her. Her posture had begun to melt and I realised that she was somehow listening and receiving. I took her hand and sat down next to her. 'You are going to be alright. You are safe now.'
  I sat very quietly next to her, holding her hand, allowing her to feel the warmth of love. After a few minutes, when I knew that the timing was right, I spoke gently to her, 'I think you have run away from the hospital. Why don`t we both go back together?'
With these words her thin little body seemed to shake with terror, and then it shrank back into its former posture.
   'You will be alright. I will be with you.' Again her frail body seemed to straighten. Her head then turned towards me, revealing her vunerable self. Big round eyes, pleading for help, gazed up at me, but still no sound.
   'Every time you feel scared we will stop walking and you can take three deep breaths.' She was now listening to me with undivided attention.
   'With every breath,' I said, 'I want you to squeeze my hand tight, and as you do so, I want you to feel how strong and beautiful you are. You can do it, I know you can.'
   'Do you really think I can do it?' she whispered.
   'Of course you can. Let us practise breathing and squeezing.'
 The dirty little alleyway was soon forgotten, along with the fear, as we stood practising the breathing and squeezing. The lady`s own inner strength and healing power was making itself known to her.
  Before too long we were climbing the steps to the hospital. Every time she felt fear, we stopped in our tracks, while my friend took three full breaths and felt her own strength by squeezing my hand three times.
I was so proud of her, and of course my newfound friend was very pleased with herself. By the time we reached the top of the steps I swore she looked a different person. A person now alive with courage and hope, ready to face the future!
  It turned out that this little lady, who by the way was in her forties, had not talked for months and had not eaten for days. Nobody in the psych ward had been able to communicate with her for months!
  The head nurse whose energy resembled a toad, and obviously hated her job, seemed to want to punish my friend for absconding. After signing the patient back into the ward, I asked somewhat matter-of-factly,
   'This patient has not had anything to eat all day, could you please order her some lunch? She needs a good lunch with loads of vegetables and a nice cup of tea.'
   'Certainly not,' the old battle-axe answered. 'If she wanted something to eat, she should not have left the ward. That was her choice. No lunch for her.'
  Well, I could not believe my ears! What a horror story. One thing that I have always done is stand up for the rights of others. I very calmly and firmly looked the head nurse straight in the eye, saying, 'You WILL get her lunch NOW. Thankyou.' I then escorted my friend into the diningroom.
  Lunch did arrive and my newfound friend happily gobbled it all up. I sat with her while she ate her lunch.We then sat and had up a nice cup of tea. She talked to me about all sorts of things and then it was time for me to leave. I had been so engrossed with the lady that I had forgotten the time and still had not done any of my shopping.
    'Goodness gracious, it`s half past two. I must get going now,' I said , as I gave her a hug. 'Good-bye.'
How time flies when you are having fun.
  Two psychiatrists approached me as I was leaving the compound.
    'How did you do that/' they asked, with a surprised look. 'We have never been able to communicate anything to her and it is ages since she has eaten anything at all. What did you do?'
    'I gave her love,' I said, looking them in the eye, 'LOVE, that is all.' And with these words I departed.

                                        LOVE TRULY IS THE GREATEST  HEALER
                                              Listen with love, not judgement
                                 And water someone else`s garden as you water your own
\                                             Fruit is born when care is given

Until next time
Much love CMW
                               A Pocket Full of Gold by Christabel Mary ISBN 0-9757250-0-9


Thursday 8 March 2012

The Power of One

I do hope that my stories of miraculous healings, and how they came about, plus some metaphysical meanderings as well as my daily life, will fill your days with hope, healing, creativity and the Great Mystery.
Cheers CMW

Kony 2012

Watched this Youtube film last night. This perfectly executed film educates us, stirs us, inspires us and motivates us on many levels. It is a MUST WATCH film.

Kony 2012

Do we trust what is said ? Where will the huge amounts of money raised through this film go to?
Do we see a bigger picture? Should we check out the $ facts before we, the emotionally charged, race in and give even more?
TRUST YOUR INTUITION  after you have sourced more information.

KONY 2012 SCAM FAILS... Bankers Outsmarted By Millions of Young Activists!
Educate Yourself...
ALL children deserve the right to be free of fear. They deserve the right, and opportunity, to reach their full potentials.
We, as custodians of this beautiful planet, can live our truth as spiritual beings assisting those in need who are crying out for help. We may help by sending loads of love and light to those in need, we can pray, we can give financially and we can give of ourselves physically. Each giving warms the soul.
It is the time for unity. It is the time for helping each other make this world a better place - FOR EVERYONE.

If you have a dream, and passion behind that dream, then creativity, foresight and action can make it happen.
Believe in yourself and you can change the world. The Power of One.

Here`s to stepping out
Here`s to reaching out
Here`s to peace and to joy
Let's make this world a better place

Love and joy  CMW